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Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 26, 2020
Elizabeth Jones Library
Although no longer in the dear stone building across from John Rundle High School, I look forward to walking through the doors of the...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 13, 2020
2020 Duck Mountain Climb...the 7th year for this annual tradition
Yes, it is around the corner. The annual “mountain” climbing adventure in Duck Hill, MS, is under a month away from happening. Exciting...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 1, 2020
Gillon Doors Always Open to Kids
I recall so many weekends and time over the summer months spent in the home of Mr. Earl and Mrs. Peggy. The Gillon doors were indeed open...

Mary Jo Dyre
Dec 31, 2019
In Memory of "Babs"
Several have asked that I share in memory of Barbara Ann Gillon Nelson, this article first published in the Grenada Star in November...

Mary Jo Dyre
Nov 24, 2019
The Book Beat Goes On...
DARK SPOT keeps selling. Book events continue to take place and new ones are being booked down the road. Most importantly, people are...

Mary Jo Dyre
Oct 27, 2019
Two Great Pilots + a Good Plane =ADVENTURE
Two great pilots plus a good plane indeed equal adventure in my book. What a treat to stop at Tupelo Regional Airport, Tupelo, MS, where...

Mary Jo Dyre
Oct 20, 2019
A Treasure Trove of Research
I had the privilege of spending time this past week at the Yalobusha County Historical Society facility which includes a Research...

Mary Jo Dyre
Oct 13, 2019
Flying High toward Home
The weather cooperated. The sky was blue. The thick layer of white-cotton clouds was soon beneath us. Time always flies when I am in the...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 29, 2019
A Second Visit with Yalobusha County Historical Friends
In 2018, just about a year ago, I spoke at the Yalobusha County Historical Society for the first time. I had been asked to give some...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 8, 2019
Gorge on Good Writing
At the recent NC Writers' Network: A Day for Writers, C. Hope Clark shared this powerful thought in one of her sessions: "Read better...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 1, 2019
Dark Spot...the 4th novel in the series
Dear Arnold, It did not take long after your heart-wrenching death on June 12, 2017, for family members and many of your dedicated...

Mary Jo Dyre
Aug 18, 2019
Coke Float Memories
My sister Bettye recently shared a brief conversation with Deborah Bailey about future hopes and plans for a coffee club in downtown...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jun 22, 2019
Lights of Hope over First and Green
A late Friday night commitment here in North Carolina left me with only one option for getting to the annual Gore Springs Reunion on...

Mary Jo Dyre
May 11, 2019
Getting to Know Daisy Dyre
Years after her death, my relationship with my mother, Daisy Dyre, continues to grow and become. As I reach different milestones in my...

Mary Jo Dyre
Apr 13, 2019
A Rose by No Other Name: My 1st grade teacher
Gore Springs School and Grenada Lake Reunion: Y’all Come! Mary Jo Dyre, April 6, 2019 Yes, the annual Gore Springs School and Grenada...

Mary Jo Dyre
Mar 18, 2019
Highway 17 and Ponds Cold Cream
We anxiously awaited the arrival of my sister Bettye. She, along with three of her dear friends, Frank and Jean Collins and Mary Duncan...

Mary Jo Dyre
Mar 10, 2019
The Shucker's Trucker...another "down memory lane" with Arnold Dyre adventure
The Duck Hill Mountain Climb brought me home in early February. Apparently there was more adventure in the air, for I was determined to...
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