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Mary Jo Dyre
Feb 18, 2019
I survived and thrived with the Duck Hill Mountain climb....
The weather was close to perfection on the day of the 2019 Duck Hill Mountain Climb. A beautiful blue sky and a welcoming breeze added to...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 12, 2019
OK! Arnold, I hear you! You want us to keep climbing...
Arnold, my dear brother, apparently there is no sense arguing with you even after you have left this earth! Your friend Dave Hovey...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 11, 2019
Glenn Crafton shares another Gary Harper memory...
I recently read the article Mary Jo wrote about Gary Harper. Gary was a good friend and teammate of mine. I have thousands of memories...

Mary Jo Dyre
Jan 1, 2019
A Tribute to Gary Dennis Harper
The December 18, 2018 edition of the Grenada Star published my column honoring Gary Harper, someone who, even in death, remains...

Mary Jo Dyre
Dec 10, 2018
As promised, the rest of the story...
Typically I have managed to fly in on the banana peel of time as we head to my sister's house often to be greeted by a little...
Mary Jo Dyre
Dec 5, 2018
Catch up on some column reading...
I have had several requests to share more from the bi-monthly columns that run in both the Grenada Star and the Coffeeville Courier:...

Mary Jo Dyre
Oct 24, 2018
Transported Back In Time
Martha Grace Cooley welcomed me with open arms to spend some time visiting with her on the Jim and Willie Moore property this past...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 19, 2018
Catch "Knee Deep" at the Afterglow Film Fest
If you are a fan of my brother, Arnold 'Dyre's nonfiction writing, Home is Where the Heart Is or Home Again, you will not want to miss...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 19, 2018
Dyre Cousins and Town Life
This is an excerpt from the Dyre Cousins and Town Life, first published in The Grenada Star. ... The house, had only one bathroom, and on...

Mary Jo Dyre
Sep 19, 2018
Knee Deep In Writing
Perhaps it is the perfect combo of a rainy Sunday, the recent Knee Deep production by Hill Fire Productions based on my brother, Arnold...
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