I recently read the article Mary Jo wrote about Gary Harper.
Gary was a good friend and teammate of mine. I have thousands of memories about Gary, Stephen Skelton, and Wayne Watkins, some very funny and some that will remain not to be shared.
One thing comes to mind is Gary's old green Chevy pickup. It was strange that it could go faster on a gravel road than the highway. It may have been the three friends in the truck with Gary.
High school was such a blast. Football and baseball always created many fun and funny times. I remember one Saturday after a hard fought football game, Stephen, Dowin Robinson and I were to meet Gary at a dove field for an afternoon hunt. Gary was late, so Stephen, Dowin and I had time to talk while we waited on Gary. I told Stephen and Dowin that I may not be able to shoot because my right hand was very swollen and bruised from the game the night before. Well Gary came up as we were talking about the game. He said let me tell you some funny, there was a big pile up, Gary said he saw a hand sticking out from under the pile so he stomped it. He and I realized at the same time that the hand he stomped was mine! A chase ensued and ended up with the both of us laughing and rolling on the ground.
That is only one of the adventure we had in high school. I could write a book on Gary and Rollo go to college. I will save those stories for later!
Gary was a great friend, teammate and I loved him like a brother!

The Bigger-than-life 50, Gary Harper