Can anyone relate to that stack of projects that is somehow still in the "I'll get to it someday" pile? I wish I could say I was busy checking one more such project off my list. Instead I was craving a homemade chocolate pie....with homemade crust, meringue...the whole, "growing up in the South" nine yards kind of creation. This craving caused me to open the drawer that holds all the old, family recipes.
The drawer, more full of memories than recipes, surprised me...only one recipe in my mother's well-disciplined handwriting. I recalled the story I heard often growing up...Mother's left hand tied behind her back in the Catholic boarding school near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where she was forced to write with her right hand. Really? Yep! You just never know what left-handed people are up to?
As much as I loved seeing the neat script that filled my mind with "mama memories", the recipe for duck dressing did not hit the craving. Some other sibling must hold Mother's chocolate pie secrets.
Gore Springs Folk, I know you are out there with chocolate pie tips from some of the best cooks on the face of the earth. Give this hometown, left-handed girl a break and send me your family recipe for Chocolate Pie....none of that chocolate pudding filling, please. I want from scratch, stirred over low heat chocolate mixture. While you are on this task, you may as well talk me through all your tricks for making perfect homemade crust? That task is still on my "to be mastered" list.
