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The Big Picture Vision for this Writer

Writer's picture: Mary Jo DyreMary Jo Dyre

I realized recently that several of my readers have questions:

Why do you share the many stories that tell The Learning Center story on you personal website?

I have for some time wanted to tell The Learning Center story. After all, this school has been a passion for many years, from 1982 to the present. In many ways The Learning Center story and my personal story are so intertwined it is impossible to separate the multi-strands that create a much greater narrative.

This website develops the following: (1)The Learning Stories that capture the head-on meeting of my love of writing and my life-long love of education. (2) The birth and development of PROJECT BLU SKY, a narrative generated from the many Learning Center stories. Unlike the beginning, middle and end "make-up" of most good stories, narratives lead into and continue with open-ended discussion, deeper understanding and new insights. (3) My personal journey into the world of writing, that owes its start to grant and professional writing for The Learning Center. Memoir and fiction style writing got its start when I took on the task following my brother's death of finishing the fourth book in Arnold Dyre's Jake Baker Mystery Series. This website blog contains many of the Grenada Start articles that were generated as I worked on finishing DARK SPOT. ( Yes, you can buy it on Amazon.)

I do have plans to publish The Learning Center Story.

When will PROJECT BLU SKY be linked to The Learning Center's website: This educational initiative encompasses a regional and national effort that moves beyond the basic mission of The Learning Center Charter School. As the Project Blu Sky narrative becomes defined through the Thursday blogs, our school's Outreach Specialist will link the PBS timeline to the school website,

Are you working on a "next" novel and will it continue Arnold Dyre"s Jake Baker Series?

Yes, I have a manuscript, SPRINGHEADS, currently in the very capable hands of Redhawk Publications. This "next novel" is not a continuation of my brother's mystery series but has character and plot links that are sure to attract those dedicated readers of my brother's mystery writing. SPRINGHEADS merges multiple genres of historical fiction, romance, mystery, adventure and fantasy into a plot line guaranteed to keep you reading long into the night. I have just completed the editing stage with Redhawk Publications and am honored to be invited to their upcoming Fall Book Fair on October 30th. I will have DARK SPOT for sale at this event since the publishing date for SPRINGHEADS is still being determined. Thanks to vaccines and an open-air arena, this will be my first book event since the onset of COVID.



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